Monday, 17 August 2009

Saturday Morning Wanderings

I get a text at work Friday saying, we are going to a birthday party and I forgot to tell you [oh Phil never change:)]. SO I end up at this party and consuming copious amounts of alcohol, crash on Phil and Tatiana's couch after eating pizza and watching a weird movies I don't really remember except it had vampires in it. Anyways that is not the craziest thing i did. Well as I now have a job with a regular schedule I get up every morning at 7 am. no matter the circumstances. And so I proceed to wake up at 7 am and can not fall back asleep. I creep out of the apartment leaving a note for phil and T and walk to get my car and go home. As I am driving I am met with a large amount of FOG. Yup like pea soup. You would think I would want to get out of it as fast as I could, but like the crazy person I am, I get home ditch my bag, grab my camera and head out for a stroll at 7 in the morning after a full night of drinking and going to bed around 2ish i think, I didn't really look at the clock. And yes that was one sentence! So here are some of the pictures I took that morning. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Mary Anne said...

great photos Mary!