Sunday 18 November 2012

The Hiatus Is Over!

So the FB and Twitter hiatus is over, and there was a hour or two looking over what I missed. There were like 30 notifications and 1 friend request, the one friend request being the only thing that was note worthy in the notifications. What I did miss were updates from family members and fun posts from friends and I learned that a friend just got engaged!
The thing is, I don't feel the need to be on FB all the time any more. I am still going to randomly post the strange and wacky and random things I get into. Don't get me wrong I missed posting with Instagram the most. There were many times this past week where I took photos with my phone and wanted to post the pictures and they will eventually be posted, but I kind of feel like I was on a vacation or something where there was no Internet connection.
One happy thing is that  rediscovered this place where I can randomly spew what is in my brain and only a few people if anyone actually reads it :)
 The question is am I going to be able to maintain a balance between my life connected and my everyday life here in the Peg.

Fingers Crossed :)

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